Sunday, June 29, 2008

mayday, mayday...

okay, so is it normal for a 14-month old to throw a fit (whining, crying, wailing, kicking, and stomping) for, pretty much, every reason...and no reason at all??  all day long??

i've been trying the calm, cool and collected approach:

"harrison, you are throwing a fit.  no fits.  when you calm down, mommy will talk to you again".  

then i leave the room. 

well...i guess this approach sort of, kind of, works.  he does calm down (for which, i praise the heck out of him).  but, two minutes later he throws a brand new fit. 

seriously, i'm tired.  i'm trying to remain positive.  but i'm dreading tomorrow.  Lord, have mercy!

somebody...anybody...i need some encouraging words...or some practical tips...  just tell me that my child is not the only one who does this...


  1. Uh, NO! He is not the only one. I like your approach though. I did something similar. "Oh Chandler is lying on the floor. She must be tired. Nite Nite Chandler" (Turn out the light in the room and exit) No attention for the fit and she got over it pretty fast. The fun part is how different all kids are!

  2. I concur with Kip... He is not the only one. All kids do this. Some more persistently than others. I never just left the room. But, that isn't because it wouldn't work. Just never thought of it. (: I ALWAYS took them to their crib. I'm sure everyone has heard stories of the bruises on my legs from Parker kicking the fire out of them all the way down the hall. (sigh) Those were the days. And just think... I get to do it again. I honestly think I spent some days...alot of days...most days, JUST disciplining. You have to get up expecting your day to be like that and somehow learn to laugh? about it. It takes a little while for it to get better too. Like, it won't be better tomorrow. (: Sounds like you got a headstrong one. Both of mine were like that. Forest is already showing signs.

  3. Rachel, don't feel too bad. Allison knows how to throw little temper tantrums, but they are still smaller than the kind her older brother can throw. I think the older they get the longer they can make them last. In our house they have to go to their room if it's a prolonged fit. Allison's are still short enough ignoring them works ok. Andrew we have to have go to his room to cool down. The good news is, I'm finding at 3 he has way less of them than when he was 2. I remember daily fits that were loud and long when he was two. Allison isn't there yet, but I'm expecting that to come any time probably. :) You are doing a great job teaching him that he doesn't control the world. That will help him a ton when he's an adult. :)Kari

  4. certainly not the only one. jackson still does it but is getting less frequent and i can handle his better. creighton on the other hand, she drives me nuts! she is ridiculous. there isn't a method that works for her (yet). she eventually just stops (not that another doesn't start up soon thereafter). But I sometimes will ask her to use her words. (if you have taught him sign language this might work if he isn't speaking much yet). she is usually tired, hungry, or wanting to nurse.

  5. Diddo from all of the above comments. Giving them NO attention while in the midst of a fit seems to work best for me. Hang in there!
