Thursday, November 6, 2008

i just have to wonder...

when you see a harley davidson biker dude (is it offensive to call him "dude"?) - dressed in head-to-toe leather - out riding his hog at 5:30 pm on a wednesday night....

do you think he....

a) has some kind of cool biker dude job that requires a dress code of head-to-toe leather?

b) changed out of his work clothes and put on the leather specifically for the ride home?

c) doesn't have a job.  rather, he was at home all day and thought a nice ride in the brisk denver air would do him good?

whatever the case, all this wondering provided me five minutes of entertainment during rush hour last night.  thanks mr. biker man.

1 comment:

  1. this cracked me up -- partly because what you said and what you were thinking about were funny -- but also because I was pondering about a Harley Davidson encounter this week as well! At a red light I was behind a Honda Civic (symbol of economy, practicality, reliability) that had a huge decal on the back windshield that said "Harley Davidson" with art work like a biker's tatoo (symbol of rebellion, danger, so-called "coolness"). I found myself wondering if the guy driving the Civic thought that having the huge Harley car tatoo made him and his car somehow, cooler. I got a chuckle thinking about that too!
