Thursday, October 25, 2012

Which would you choose?

We stayed up late last night to watch the news.  Thankfully there is a 9 o'clock broadcast because my eyes just wouldn't have been able to stay open until 10.  I'm an early-to-bed, late-to-rise kind of girl.

We've been following the story about the disappearance (and what turned out to be murder) of little Jessica Ridgeway closely for the past two weeks and were pleased to hear an arrest was made yesterday.  You can read the news report here.  This took place in Westminster, a suburb of Denver just north of us.  It's where my husband's brother and his family live and work.  Westminster is a part of our county and our school district.  To give you some perspective, we live at approximately 1st avenue and the crimes took place at approximately 100th avenue.  It's too close for comfort.

The entire metro area has been on edge.  Parents are no longer allowing their children to walk or from school.  Personally, Jeremy won't even let the boys to go check the mail unless he or I go with them.       During the news conference yesterday Westminster police said they hoped this arrest would help put the community at ease.  I hope so too.  It's difficult to hear about evil like this and not hold your babies a bit closer, stare at strangers a bit harder and constantly fear the worst. 

What I've been wondering since hearing about the arrest (and, more specifically, how the suspect's mother called the police to turn in her son) is how the suspect's mom must be feeling.  After the news report was finished last night I turned to Jer and asked, "Would you rather be the father of one who was taken too soon; taken in such an awful way?  Or the father of one who committed such a heinous act?"

Of course I would choose neither.  I simply cannot imagine being in either position.  But, still, the question lingers and my thoughts continually focus on both of these poor mamas.  One with a baby who is gone and one with a baby who is...

Not sure I can finish that sentence.  

My prayers will be with them both.

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